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"Gap Strategy"
Showing 1-50 of 77 items.

John Pocorobba – Ticker Monkey Gap Workshop 2023

John Pocorobba – Ticker Monkey Gap Workshop The Earnings Reaction Gaps Workshop 2023 is an online course created by John Pocorobba that teaches traders how to profit from earnings announcement gaps in the stock market. The...

Edu fyre – Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy by Anthony Ng

Edu fyre – Python Algo Trading: Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy by Anthony Ng This course provides you with the tools that top hedge funds used. These institutional tools include but are not limited to market...

Online Trading Academy – Core Strategy and XLT

Online Trading Academy – Core Strategy In Online Trading Academy’s Core Strategy Course, students learn the mechanics of how the financial markets work and how the law of supply and demand drives price movement in these...

Damon Verial – Gap Trading for Stock and Options Traders

Damon Verial – Gap Trading for Stock and Options Traders So many products out there attempt to teach profitable stock or options trading methods, but none of them focus on GAPS: a statistically backed technical indicator that can...

Live Traders – Day Trading Strategy Course

Live Traders – Day Trading Strategy Course Strictly for Daytrading. 5+ Hours of Video Lessons on Trading the Market Open and Gap Trading Strategies, Must for any Daytrader

David Frost – LazyGap Trader Ebook Guide

David Frost – LazyGap Trader Ebook Guide Free Report Reveals Everything You Need To Know For Profit! How To Trade The Morning Gaps - at specific price levels only Real Examples - Morning Gap Trades and...

Larry Connors – Trading The Connors Windows Strategy

Larry Connors – Trading The Connors Windows Strategy Here is a new, short-term trading pattern…one of the most reliable ever discovered for identifying sharp moves lasting from 1 to 5 days. This never-before-publicized pattern is called...

David Frost – LazyGap Trader

David Frost – LazyGap Trader Note: "Spread Sheet Excel Tool" is missing... please consider this when downloading this package. I’ve been trading in the markets for over 20 years. I’ve worked at some of the largest...

Dave Landry – Trading Dave Landry’s Ultimate Bow Ties Strategy

Dave Landry published his bookDave Landry on Swing Tradingin 2000, Dave Landry made public and began teaching one of his best strategies–the Bow Ties Strategy.Among other things, Dave Landry will teach you his best approach for...

Paul Taglia – How I Trade Runaway Gaps To Capture Explosive Intraday Moves

Paul Taglia – How I Trade Runaway Gaps To Capture Explosive Intraday Moves Would You Like To Learn One Of The Most Powerful Strategies For Trading Opening Gaps? Let Paul Taglia Teach You His Strategy For...

Jyoti Bansal – Complete Day Trading (Stock Trading With Technical Analysis)

Jyoti Bansal – Complete Day Trading (Stock Trading With Technical Analysis) What you'll learn Make profits in intraday Take advantage of intraday volatility of the market Know the risk and account management for your trade Choose...

David Landry – Complete Swing Trading Course

Dave Landry's Complete Swing Trading Course Applying My Best Patterns And Strategies In The Real World (5 CD) Dear Swing Trader, Let me share with you the daily actions that made me successful. A rock-solid daily...

Bree Weber – Cold Pitch Masterclass + Cold Pitch Playbook

Bree Weber – Cold Pitch Masterclass + Cold Pitch PlaybookWISH YOU COULD WORK WITH YOUR WISHLIST CLIENTS TODAY INSTEAD OF WAITING MONTHS OR YEARS FOR THEM TO COME TO YOU?Your business was supposed to give you...

Steve W – FXS Analytics (Add-on Lessons)

Steve W – FXS Analytics (Add-on Lessons) A robust lecture series with an emphasis on chart literacy and Foreign Exchange mechanics In addition to lectures and other core content (slide galleries, cheat sheets, etc.), we offer...

Faiz SMC – Faiz SMC Trading Course

Learn The Real SMC Trading Strategies!The course includes up to 10 trading strategies based on ICT Concepts. These strategies helped me pass 3 FTMO Challenges and I am consistently making 10-15% per month. You might not...

The Trading Framework – Profile Trading Mastery by Kam Dhadwar

The Trading Framework – Profile Trading Mastery by Kam Dhadwar Learn the Most COMPLETE Auction Market Theory and Market Profile Trading Strategy that Helps Provide a Solid Structured Approach to Discretionary Trading "Comment from completing -...

Vertex – Mentorship Program

Vertex – Mentorship Program Join Our Mentor-ship Program to kick start your trading career the right way! Suitable for all experience levels including absolute beginners. More information down below Forex Basics Includes: Introduction Basics of Forex...


Justin Borge – TURNING SEARCHES INTO TRAFFICA course on Keyword Research and Content Strategy. Take our process and use it for yourself, use it for your business and your clients.CONTENTSStart HereIntro to Course2 minsHow to Get...

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive

Kim Krause Schwalm – Virtual LA Boot Camp IntensiveNow Available! Your In-Home Version of My No-Holds-Barred LA Boot Camp IntensiveEarlier this year I revealed exactly what this secret was in my first-ever LA Boot Camp Intensive. Not...

Simpler Trading – Stop Missing Hidden Trades (Elite package) by John Carter

Discover John Carter’s options system for insane markets. Uncover “hidden” moves that are "all lined up" and ready to go

Depesh Mandalia – The FAATT Framework

Depesh Mandalia – The FAATT FrameworkSection 1: The Tracking TrinityGive Facebook more data so you can reach customers more profitably.Turbo-charge Your Browser Pixel: Most Facebook advertisers don’t set up the pixel properly which leads to poor retargeting and...

Power Of Stocks - The Complete Trader course (2018) by Subhashis Pami

Power Of Stocks - The Complete Trader course (2018) by Subhashis Pami Course Review This course is really helpful for beginners as well as advanced traders, though this class is very old(2018) but the content of...

Linda Raschke – Street Smarts High Probability Short Term Trading Strategies

Linda Raschke – Street Smarts High Probability Short Term Trading StrategiesPublished in 1996 and written by Larry Connors and "New Market Wizard" Linda Raschke. This 245-page manual is considered by many to be one of the...

Geoff Bysshe – Opening Range Success Formula

Geoff Bysshe – Opening Range Success FormulaIncludes the “Opening Range Trading Blueprint” Streaming Course, the live trading session records, and the Bonus session.The “Opening Range Trading Blueprint” is a comprehensive initial training course that takes you...

Tricktrades – B.O.S.S. Pack (The BOSS Pack Course)

Tricktrades – B.O.S.S. Pack (The BOSS Pack Course) Get the Basic Options Simple Strategy in The B.O.S.S. Pack Course from Tricktrades Tricktrades designed the BOSS Pack Course in video format to teach you the simplest and...

George Angell – Sniper Trading Workbook

George Angell - Sniper Trading Workbook Important lessons and key investment strategies for trading stocks, options, and futures Sniper Trading helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market will...

Tony Robbins – Own Your Future Challenge 2021

Tony Robbins – Own Your Future Challenge 2021 Day #1 of the Own Your Future Challenge LIVE with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and surprise guests! It's time to take control of your future. because if you...

Simpler Trading – Momentum Crash Course Pro

Simpler Trading – Momentum Crash Course Pro Join Danielle while she takes you through these historical market times as she reveals how the trading rules you’ve always know have completely changed (and why they had to)....

Roland Wolf – $1K Paydays

Roland Wolf – Roland Wolf's $1K Paydays Your “$1k a Day” Journey Begins Today Congratulations! If you’re reading this, it means we still have some spots lefts. As I showed you here today, this “$1k a...

Shia – Day Trading 101 (How to Become an Effective Day Trader)

Shia – Day Trading 101 (How to Become an Effective Day Trader) HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TRADE AND SCALE/SIZE UP IN SMALL CAPS Course Coverage/Topics Everything You Need to Know About Day Trading Short Selling - Long...

Noremac Newell Trading – Stock Trading Video Series Guide

Noremac Newell Trading – Stock Trading Video Series Guide Over 20 Hours of Educational Day-Trading Content. For Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Traders. Includes Cam’s Story, How to Make a Watchlist, Swing Trading, Momentum Trading, Trading Strategies,...

Marcel Link – Trading Without Gambling

Marcel Link - Trading Without GamblingMany people perceive trading as nothing more than a gamble. But there are still people who consistently make money trading. How do they do it? They've learned to separate gambling from...

Ken FX Freak – Freak Forex Technicals

Ken FX Freak - Freak Forex Technicals 1 What is Forex What is Forex.mp4 What is Forex.png 2 Introduction Into Forex Trading Forex Market Hours.mp4 Forex Market Hours.png Placing a Trade.mp4 Placing a Trade.png Currency Pairs.mp4...

Bill Poulos – ETF Profit Driver Course

Bill Poulos - ETF Profit Driver CourseA $,1947 course that will teach you how to supercharge your portfolio in less than 20 minutes a night, while doubling your profit potential with half the effort.CD-ROM #1: Background...

Stephen Johnson – Payday Pattern

Stephen Johnson – Payday Pattern This new guide is 5+ hours of in-depth training where you’ll see: How Stephen Johnson turned $600 in $59,000 in 2020… Why you should short “gappers” (a gimme pattern)! The “three...

Various – A Huge Collection of Trading, Economic Ebooks (100 & Mostly PDF, Classic & Recent Books)

A Huge Collection of Very Best Trading and Economics books. Many books are recent with some classics. These books will help you with your understanding in economics and trading immensely. Areas of topic include: Economic Indicator,...

Raghee Horner – Forex Trading For Maximum Profit Course

Raghee Horner - Forex Trading for Maximum Profit Course Take an in–depth, how–to look at Forex trading using the methods, analysis, and insights of a renowned trader, Raghee Horner. As the fate of the dollar against...

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Tandem Trader

Nathan Michaud – Investors Underground - Tandem Trader InvestorsLive DVD - Tandem Trader with Nathan Michaud InvestorsLive (Nathan Michaud) has long been one of the best traders in the world who specializes in intra-day trading strategies,...

Jeff Augen – Trading Options At Expiration-Strategies And Models For Winning The Endgame

Trading Options at Expiration-Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame Equity and index options expire on the third Friday of each month. As that moment approaches, unusual market forces create option price distortions, rarely understood by...

Issy Bacher – Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course)

Cycle-Trends (Wealth Investment Course) The greatest stock market story of all time How an accountant, a pianist, a blackjack player, a game designer, and 19 other amateurs became stock market millionaires - with only 14 days...

Sandy Jadeja – Fast Profits & Daily Income 2020 + Bonuses

Sandy Jadeja – Fast Profits & Daily Income 2020 + Bonuses Learn from one of the best traders in the industry. Sandy Jadeja needs a little introduction. Learn how to use his 2 Simple but highly...

Profiletraders – Market Profile Courses

Profiletraders – Market Profile Courses Boot Camp, Trade Set Ups, Day Trading, Supply and Demand Trading, New Generation Trading Boot Camp This course is an excellent introduction to Market Profile trading concept. You will learn understand,...

T3 Live - Earnings Engine by Sami Abusaad

T3 Live – Earnings Engine by Sami Abusaad $86,800 in One Day of Trading Earnings? Want to know how powerful Sami Abusaad's Earnings Play is? Sami used the strategy to earn $86,800 in a single day...

Ross Cameron – Day Trade Warrior - Advanced Day Trading

Ross Cameron – Day Trade Warrior - Advanced Day Trading Chapter 1. How to Execute Trades, Brokers, Margin, Leverage, Charting Software, Breaking News Services, Time frames, Technical Indicators that give you an edge. Chapter 2. Risk...

Nassim Taleb – Dynamic Hedging. Managing Vanilla And Exotic Options

Nassim Taleb - Dynamic Hedging. Managing Vanilla and Exotic OptionsDescriptionDynamic Hedging is the definitive source on derivatives risk. It provides a real-world methodology for managing portfolios containing any nonlinear security. It presents risks from the vantage...

Dave Landry – Swing Trading For A Living

Dave Landry - Swing Trading for a LivingDear Fellow Trader,My name is Dave Landry and for nearly the past decade, I've made my living focusing on the sweet spot of the market... 2- to 10-day short-term...

Investors – IBD Advanced Buying Strategies Home Study Program

Investors - IBD Advanced Buying Strategies Home Study Program This course teaches you alternative and secondary buy points vital to sound portfolio management. When properly used, it can have a significant impact on your returns. Advanced...

Mastertrader – Master Trader Option Strategies Series

Mastertrader – Master Trader Option Strategies Series Master Trader Option Strategies Series for Investors and Active Traders is for investors and traders to create Wealth and Generate Income using our simple Option Strategies. Our unique approach...

Dailytradingprofits – Emini Academy Bootcamp (Video, Manuals)

Dailytradingprofits - Emini Academy Bootcamp (Video, Manuals) Our education process has been refined over the past 7 years, and used by thousands of our student traders around the world. This process works for new and experienced...

Stevenduxi – Duxinator: High Odds Penny Trading