Search Courses

Showing 301-350 of 499 items.

Kevin Davey – Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems

Kevin Davey - Building Winning Algorithmic Trading SystemsDevelop your own trading system with practical guidance and expert adviceIn Building Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Trader's Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Training, award-winning...

OFA – Intensive Boot Camp 5 Day Course

OFA - Intensive Boot Camp 5 Day CourseOften seen as just another trading technology company, Order Flow Analytics actually strives to pioneer service-led solutions through exceptional tools, support and training in an industry known to be...

James Hedges – Hedges On Hedge Funds. How To Successfully Analyze And Select An Investment

James Hedges - Hedges on Hedge Funds How to Successfully Analyze and Select an Investment A just-in-time guide to hedge fund investing. Today, access to hedge funds is increasingly available to average investors through "funds of...

Adrienne Laris Toghraie – Healing Stress Audio

Adrienne Laris Toghraie - Healing Stress AudioFor Activating the Energy Centers of your bodyAdrienne Laris Toghraie is an internationally recognized authority in the field of human development and a master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for...

Alan Farley – Pattern Cycles

Alan Farley - Pattern Cycles Alan Farley is a private trader and publisher of Hard Right Edge, a comprehensive online resource for trader education, technical analysis and short-term trading techniques. He is author of the McGraw-Hill...

Mark Etzkorn – Trading With Oscillators. Pinpointing Market Extremes

Mark Etzkorn - Trading With OscilatorsThe first new book in a generation to focus on the practical applications of trading with oscillatorsOscillators are an essential group of indicators that futures, options, and stock traders have embraced...

H.Jack Bouroudjan – Secrets Of The Trading Pros

H.Jack Bouroudjan - Secrets of the Trading ProsPraise for Secrets of the Trading Pros"In Secrets of the Trading Pros, Jack Bouroudjian shares the unique insight of a market veteran who has experienced all aspects of the marketplace-from...

Chris Marrison – The Fundamentals Of Risk Measurement

Chris Marrison - The Fundamentals of Risk MeasurementThe Fundamentals of Risk Measurement introduces the state-of-the-art tools and practices necessary for planning, executing, and maintaining risk management in today’s volatile financial environment. This comprehensive book provides description and...

Erik Banks – Financial Lexicon

Erik Banks - Financial LexiconFinancial Lexicon is intended as a comprehensive financial reference book that explains the formal and informal terminology of finance. Structured as a dictionary, the book will contain clear and detailed explanations of...

Nils Rasmussen – Process Improvement For Effective Budgeting And Financial Reporting

Nils Rasmussen - Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting"The budget and financial reporting processes are well known sources of frustration for most CFOs. Seeking a quick fix to the problem, the common solution is...

Elliottician – Refined Elliott Wave Trader Professional 4 (RET Pro 4)

Refined Elliott Wave Trader Professional 4 (RET Pro 4) (Apr 2012) The Refined Elliott Trader (RET) uses patterns to tell you what the markets are most likely going to do – which can translate into...

Philipp Caspar Koch – Optimizing Distribution Systems In Asset Management

Philipp Caspar Koch - Optimizing Distribution Systems in Asset ManagementThe asset management industry in Germany has been increasingly facing the challenge to use measures to also optimize its distributions systems as means for securing competitive advantage.Therefore,...

Peter J. Tanous – Investment Gurus. A Road Map To Wealth From The World's Best Money Managers

Investment Gurus. A Road Map to Wealth from the World's Best Money ManagersInvestment advisor Peter J. Tanous takes readers behind the scenes with Wall Street's movers and shakers, going head-to-head with 14 of America's top money...

Michael J. Mard – Valuation For Financial Reporting (2nd Ed.)

Michael J.Mard - Valuation for Financial Reporting (2nd Ed.)Essential procedures for the measurement and reporting of fair value in Financial statementsTrusted specialists Michael Mard, James Hitchner, and Steven Hyden present reliable and thorough guidelines, case studies,...

Trevor Hastle – The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition

Trevor Hastle – The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition (Springer Series in Statistics) 2nd Edition During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With...

NinjaTrader – ViperScalper & ViperTrend Indicators

What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can...

Hichem Djouhri – Optimal Overwriting Strategies For Hedging 401K & IRA Portfolios

NY 5 - Hichem Djouhri - Optimal Overwriting Strategies for Hedging 401K & IRA Portfolios Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 14 Minutes Hichem Djouhri is the leading Fund Manager...

Ben Adkins – Closer Cafe

Ben Adkins - Closer Cafe Your Step-by-Step System for Building, and Scaling a Facebook Marketing Agency Keep Reading to See Exactly Why THIS IS DIFFERENT than any Other Facebook Masterclass You’ve Ever Seen Whats Inside of...

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos NY 1 – Raj Malhotra: Pricing Options Like a Market Maker Video length: 43 Minutes As an Options Trader, Raj Malhotra has had one of the most successful...

Michael Goode – Read SEC Filings

Michael Goode – Read SEC Filings A 10-hour multi-disc DVD package that teaches you how to read and analyze all sorts of SEC filings. One of Timothy’s best students, Michael Goode chimes in for several hours...

ITPM – London Super Conference 2017 Collection

London Super Conference 2017 Collection ITPM 14. Anton Kreil – Dividends, Distributions and Trading for Income Video length: 49 Minutes In this Video, Anton Kreil, Managing Partner of the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management, debunks...

Brian R.Brown – Chasing The Same Signals

Product DescriptionConventional wisdom suggests that markets are efficient, random walks and that stock prices rise and fall with the fundamentals of the company. How then have black-box traders prospered and how do they exploit market inefficiencies?...

Kitty Calavita – Big Money Crime

Kitty Calavita - Big Money CrimeAt a cost of $500 billion to American taxpayers, the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s was the worst financial crisis of the twentieth century as well as a crime...

David Carter & Darren Rovell – On The Ball What You Can Learn About Business From America's Sports Leaders

David Carter, Darren Rovell - On the Ball What You Can Learn About Business from America's Sports LeadersSports, like business, is a nonstop, flat-out competition where winners prosper and losers are sent packing. Think the multi-billion-dollar...

Jay E.Fishman – Standards Of Value. Theory & Applications

Jay E.Fishman - Standards of Value. Theory & ApplicationsDescriptionA must-read for appraisers, accountants, judges, attorneys, and appraisal users, this insightful book addresses standards of value as applied in four distinct contexts: estate and gift taxation; shareholder...

Tradingmarkets – ConnorsRSI Selective Trading Strategy

Tradingmarkets - ConnorsRSI Selective Trading StrategyIntroducing:Most traders feel that large cash allocations are a waste of time, and they believe the popular "rule" that it's always better to remain invested in the market.This "rule" is in...

Larry Connors – 5 Week Live Web Seminar

Larry Connors - 5 Week Live Web Seminar (Video & WorkBook 690 MB) ( Larry Connors has over 30 years in the financial markets industry. His opinions have been featured at the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg,...

Mark Shipman – Big Money Little Efford

Mark Shipman - Big Money Little EffordFrom the best-selling author of the Next Big Investment Boom, this book provides everything you need to know about making the world's money markets work to your advantage, enabling you...

Larry Connors – Swing Trading College IX 2010

Larry Connors – Swing Trading College IX supplies active traders with the education and tools they need to make trades based on data – not emotion. TradingMarkets.comdelivers content, tools, data, and trading systems aligned with...

Earik Beann – Mechanical Trading Systems (Wave59)

Harness the Power of Mechanical Trading Systems ...and supercharge your trading by automating it! Mechanical trading systems are one of the greatest developments in the history of trading. Turn them on, connect them to your broker, and they...

William O’Neil – How To Make Money In Stocks (A Winning System In Good Times Or Bad)

William O’Neil – How to Make Money in Stocks (A Winning System In Good Times Or Bad) THE BUSINESSWEEK, USA TODAY, AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLER! The bestselling guide to buying stocks, from the founder...

John Hayden – Does A Holy Grail Really Exist

John Hayden - Does a Holy Grail Really ExistIn this workshop, John Hayden will examine if there were a "Holy Grail", what would be its characteristics and how would we know it was the "Holy Grail"...

Dave Anderson & George McNeill – Artificial Neural Networks Technology

Dave Anderson, George McNeill - Artificial Neural Networks TechnologyThis report is intended to help the reader understand what Artificial Neural Networks are, how to use them, and where they are currently being used.Artificial Neural Networks are...

William H.Press – Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)

William H.Press - Numerical Recipes (3rd Ed.)Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes Third Edition starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. Widely recognized as the...

Bluewavetrading – BWT Value Area Indicator

What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can...

Richard Machowicz – Interactive Course

Richard Machowicz - Interactive Course How to consistently execute your trading strategy perfectly. Once you have fully mastered the fundamentals of your strategy, you will be able to apply it with total concentration. Perfect execution will...

Adam Khoo – Value Momentum Investing Course (Whale Investor)

Adam Khoo – Value Momentum Investing Course (Whale Investor) This item Includes Lesson 1: Stock Market Basics How the Stock Market Works: What Drives Stock Prices? How and When to Buy and/or Sell Stocks Value Momentum...

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility - Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques

Sheldon Natenberg – Option Pricing And Volatility (Advanced Strategies And Trading Techniques) WHAT EVERY OPTION TRADER NEEDS TO KNOW. THE ONE BOOK EVERY TRADER SHOULD OWN. The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg...

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia Of Chart Patterns

Thomas N.Bulkowski – Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns Following in the footsteps of author Thomas Bulkowski’s bestselling Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns—and structured in the same way—this easy-to-read and -use resource takes an in-depth look at 103 candlestick...

Perer Thiel – Zero to One

Perer Thiel – Zero to One #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted...

Basecamptrading – Weekly Power Options Strategies

Basecamptrading - Weekly Power Options StrategiesThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew DayPresident and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been involved...

Randomwalktrading – Power Combo

Randomwalktrading - Power Combo Welcome to Random Walk Trading. From Books, eBooks, Online Courses, Video and Book Bundles, up to tons of Free Articles, we got them all. Truly affordable Option Trading Education at your fingertips....

Basecamptrading – Fundamentals Of Options

Basecamptrading - Fundamentals of Options The Purpose. To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team. Drew Day - President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge...

Advanced Get – Seminar Notes

Advanced Get – Seminar Notes The Advanced GET edition of eSignal trading software combines the power of eSignal advanced charting, back testing and your choice of over 50 brokers with award-winning technical analysis software, including exclusive...

Pristine & Oliver Velez – Momentum Trading

Pristine - Oliver Velez - Momentum TradingOliver Velez will show you how to ride winning trades for all they are worth, utilizing a very simple but powerful style of Momentum Trading.While finding the right trade is...

Peter Rosenstreich – Forex Revolution

"For many investors, an intense, 24-hour-a-day, $1.5 trillion roller-coaster of a market spells "danger"; for readers of Forex Revolution, the word is "opportunity."—Michael J. Panzner, vice president, Rabo Securities USA, Inc., and author of The New Laws of...

Alexis Gerand – Going Visual

Alexis Gerand - Going VisualThis book discusses how and why to make visual communication a powerful competitive tool. From digital cameras and camera phones to videoconferencing, visual communication technology is changing not only personal lives but...

Udemy – The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn React 16, Redux, D3, ES2015, Testing, CSS Flexbox, Animations, SVG, AJAX, and more! What Will I Learn? Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies Build responsive applications using modern CSS technologies like flexbox Build JSON...

Investopedia Academy – Advanced Options Trading

Investopedia Academy - Advanced Options TradingTake the next step in your options trading abilities by building on your knowledge of basic options trades. Learn how to manage payoffs, probabilities, and risk just like the best options...

Brian Singer – Investment Leadership & Portfolio Management

Product DescriptionAn industry leader candidly examines the role of investment leadership in portfolio managementInvestment Leadership & Portfolio Management provides a top down analysis of successful strategies, structures, and actions that create an environment that leads to strong...