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(the Futur) – Overcoming Sales Objections

The Socratic Six Framework

The Socratic Six is a conversational framework built upon s 20+ years of practical and proven techniques to winning creative business. This course will help you understand and use this framework in your phone calls, meetings and just about every interaction with your clients.
So, what is the Socratic Six? Here are two examples:

1. The Raging Bull

Ever have a client enter a conversation in an aggressive and emotional state? How do you handle that situation without adding fuel to the fire? Enter The Raging Bull. Acknowledge their emotional state and demonstrate some empathy.
I sense some frustration. May I ask, have you been burned before?

2. Double Down

Or maybe a new client is challenging the validity of your price. Does the phrase, Youre too expensive. sound familiar? How do help them understand the value you have to offer?

Apply the Double Down technique. Challenge their position by agreeing with them.
I agree. There are cheaper options out there. Do you feel like the cheaper option is always better?
Embrace, pivot and make the sale.

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