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Advertising course for internet marketers by titled . 10 essential sessions from the Summit with No Name. Also includes live kick off and wrap up call with Perry.

If you only pay attention to when it comes to AdWords, you’re missing the boat. From copywriting to conversions to email autoresponders and much more, Perry has proven himself to be one of the most astute direct marketers and business strategists, online or offline, around today.

I used to work 7am to 9pm every day. Now I’m home for family meal at least 2 nights per week and the other two nights, I’m picking my kids up from dance practice. I leave work every Tuesday at 1pm without fail to play golf with my buddies. Me time! I got all this from 80/20 Reboot. Life has never been better. The less time I’m spending in the business, the better I’m doing. I now have more time to work ON the business and most of my time is taken up with high level client meetings and marketing.

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